Santa Fe Catholic High School

Santa Fe Catholic High School, Lakeland, FL    Celebrating Over 50 Years of Educational Excellence



Tag Day, January 17th

Friday, January 17, 2014 · Events, News, Parents, Students

Due to the cold weather we will be have another Tag Day tomorrow Friday, January 17th.  

On Tag Days students may wear long pants: jeans, khaki pants or capris for girls; or uniform shorts and a Santa Fe shirt ONLY. Sneakers and flat closed shoes may be worn. Sandals (open toe and/or heel), house shoes/slippers and CROCS are not permitted. Boots may only be worn with pants.


UNDERSHIRTS: Students who wear undershirts will wear a plain white, grey or black undershirt under their school shirts. No logos (even SFC) are allowed on the undershirts.


OUTERWEAR: Students may wear the following outerwear during the school day:

  •  Uniform sweatshirt and jacket available through Risse Brothers
  •  Current team, club jackets and sweatshirts that have been pre-approved by the administration
  •  Santa Fe letter jackets
  •  Other Santa Fe jackets and sweatshirts that have been pre-approved by the administration